Flea Market Find

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“Where did you get that?” Candice was referring to Janice’s purse.

“I picked it up at the Midway flea market last week,” Janice said, “at that Exotic and Mysterious Leather booth.”

“Isn’t that the place that’s ran by the creepy gypsy who’s blind in one eye and has rotting teeth?”

“He isn’t a gypsy. He’s Greek.”

Candice leaned forward. “But he is blind and does need a good dental plan.”

Janice laughed. Two years older, she always considered herself her sister’s protector. Once a month they’d get together for lunch to catch up and share stories.

Today, they were lunching at Le Petite, a French-named restaurant serving very un-French food. Janice ate macaroni and cheese. Candice was finishing her wild rice soup and small garden salad.

“Let me see it,” Candice said.

Janice pushed the purse across the table to her sister.

The leather had a reddish-green hue and was embossed with an intricate pattern of strange symbols. Some looked Egyptian, some Mayan, some Native American. Brilliant, red stitching held the panels together. A golden zipper, the teeth so sharp they looked painful, held it closed. The matching strap was connected to a pair of oversized golden rings on each end of the purse.