Messy Business

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Eddie tended to drift into whatever jobs were available that would pay the rent.

He spent some time on a construction site hauling wheelbarrows of wet cement. The work was backbreaking, and the foreman was a jerk, but any kind of employment for a felon was rare.

Eddie tried his hand at stripping. He discovered he was pretty good at it, and, once he got used to strangers—men and women—fondling his junk while they stuffed dollar bills in his G-string, the money wasn’t bad. The job, however, had a shelf life. Once he hit thirty-five and became a bit doughy around the middle his admirers and tips dwindled.

His friend, Tommy, introduced him to the Messy Business website.


About David Greske

A member of HWA, David Greske is the author of five novels and over twenty short stories that have appeared in several magazines and anthologies. His short story, "“Shit Flies,”" appeared in Nothing's Sacred Vol 2. He co-wrote the screenplay to his novel, BLOOD RIVER, which has been made into a feature film by ForbesFilm. His collection of short stories, DARK TALES FOR DARKEST NIGHTS, was published by Great Old Ones Publishing in November 2014. The author currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota where he is busy writing the screenplay for Blood River 2 and working on his new novel.